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Source One Marketing, Inc.

Your One Source for Housewares and Gifts

Andreas TrivetsSilicone Jar Opener and Trivets
BamixCorded and Corless Hand-Held Blenders
BrainStreamProducts for the Kitchen and everyday use
Browne & Co.Cuisipro, Berard, and Combekk Homeware
Butter BellAuthentic Line of French Crockery
Constructive EatingChildren's fun educational plates & utensils
CrushGrindSalt & Pepper Mills with a Unique Grinding Mechanism
DuralexDrinkware, Dinnerware, Kitchen, and Gifts
DreamfarmAward Winning Designs of Kitchen Tools and Gadgets
EuroscrubbyMulti-purpose scrubby
FisslerFine German Cookware
Frieling ProductsAmefa, Black Cube, Cilio, CeramicQR, Ja, Kuchenprofi, Leonardo, Mosa, Seltmann, Spring, TitaniumMAX, Zassenhaus, Zenker
GripsticThe Best Bag Sealer
GroscheStovetop Espresso, Water & Infusion Bottles, Teapots & Tea Steepers, Cups & Mugs, Grinders
Jura-CapressoCoffee Centers, Drip Coffee, Kettles & Grinders
Kai (Shun) USAFine Japanese Cutlery
Kyocera Ceramic Knives and Peelers
mobiCreative Products for the Kitchen
NeggEgg Peeler and Egg Products
NoStikReusable Alternatives for Disposables
OmniWareCeramic Housewares Products
Once Again HomeEco-Friendly Towels and Blankets
PorlandPorcelain Dinnerware
RostiMelamine Bowls, Cutting Boards and Kitchen Scales
SeikoDecorative Clocks
Smith'sFireWire and Knife Sharpeners
Sparkles Home"Sparkling" addition to Table Top, Pillows, & Bath
Stozle LausitzLead Free Crystal German Glassware
Teak HausTeak cutting boards
Two Lumps of SugarKitchen Textiles, Aprons, Storage, Totes and Bags
Wet-It!Super-absorbent Sponge Cloths
ZojirushiRice Cookers, Hot Pots, Bread Makers, & Vacuum Products

Source One Marketing

Source One Marketing, Inc. is a professional sales organization with a showroom located in the Dallas Trade Mart. Our sales team works with all classes of trade and has an excellent understanding of our vendors and customer's needs.

Source One Marketing has the knowledge, experience, personal contacts and most importantly the working rapport with major and independent accounts in the territory. The results…impressive sales, market development and vendor penetration that continues to grow year after year.

The combination of Source One's sales force and product expertise, along with our vendor's quality products, makes us the most effective and dynamic rep organization in the territory. We strive every day to be recognized in the market place as the best.

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Dallas Trade Mart #1949
2100 N. Stemmons Frwy.
Dallas, TX 75207
phone: 214.520.9845
fax: 214.722.0564
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Source One Store in the Dallas Trade Mart