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Visit Our Showroom

The showroom is open Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, including 1st Monday and Tuesday Mini Market. Patsy Johnson, our showroom manager, is always available to show customers our product lines. Bill Rogers and Kay Hatterman work out of the showroom as well.

If you're in the Dallas/ Ft Worth area please feel free to stop by and browse some of the amazing products we feature.

Dallas Trade Mart Showroom
Suite #1949
2100 N. Stemmons Frwy.
Dallas, Texas
map it


Click marker on above map for driving directions.

To get to our showroom, enter through the WEST entrance of the Dallas Trade Mart, located off of Market Center Blvd. Once inside the Trade Mart, we are located on the first isle to your left # 1900. Parking is available by the WEST entrance.